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There are lipozene reviews that allege Lipozene is a scam, while others take note that it's basically a fiber-supplement pill no more effective than a vitamin tablet. It can't beat the effectiveness of exercise and diet, obviously. To be true, exercise and diet are still best for weight loss. In fact, Lipozene is most effective when used with proper diet and an exercise regimen. In contrast, exercise and diet doesn't need Lipozene in order to help promote weight loss and possibly sculpt the body to body-builder perfection.

Lipozene, in a nutshell, contains ingredients such as Vitamin B12, green tea, Vitamin B6, and kola nut to help weight loss while its main ingredient, glucomannan plant fibers from the konjac nut, assists in suppressing appetite by tricking the stomach into thinking it's full. However, Lipozene cannot change your sedentary habits or reverse the effects of lack of exercise. If you continue having a high cholesterol diet, Lipozene's effectiveness will be further reduced.